Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Speech Therapy

Ben and I went for an initial session with a British speech therapist today.  The center was in a really lovely, upscale area of the city.  We walked in to the waiting room and were pleasantly surprised to find English magazines there.  After reading Time for a few minutes, we met Cathy.

We spoke for about 45 minutes, filling her in on Andy (who was at home, hanging out with a few teammates who graciously watched him so we could be at this appointment).  She asked about his birth, his early speech habits, etc.

Near the end, she confirmed that she would like to assess Andy and definitely felt that he could benefit from some treatment sessions with her.  It was a bittersweet moment.  Bitter because hearing that your child does in fact have a need for help is tough.  I didn't cry, but my heart was sad.  Had we done something wrong?  Did we take too long to come here?  However, it was sweet as well.  Here is someone that can potentially really help Andy to communicate!  And she speaks English as her first language.

Next Thursday, we'll take Andy in for his evaluation with Cathy.  Please join us in prayer that Andy would be calm and comfortable with her (we won't be in the room).  A crying Andy would be very hard to evaluate.  Step by step, we're still learning how to parent, love, and care for Andy.

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