Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Update on Andy

We have some news on Andy.  Last time I wrote, we'd just met with the speech therapist to set up his assessment.  We went again the following week for that assessment, then, with Ben away at camp, I went for the follow-up report.  Long story short, she had some serious concerns about Andy's lack of receptive language, limited gesturing, and general state of development, putting aside his basically non-existent speaking.
We have followed her advice and already had an appointment with a pediatric neurologist.  In late August, early September, Andy will have bloodwork, an EEG, and an MRI.  Yikes, right?  It's a little scary.  But, we're doing what we think is best for him.  We are still planning to try preschool for him in the mornings starting in September.  If it doesn't go well, we can bail.  We have also had a few speech therapy sessions as well, focusing on eye contact with Andy and interactive play.
Please keep Andy in your prayers, and we will keep you updated on how he is doing.

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