Saturday, June 16, 2012

He's Never Failed Me Yet

It's been a rough few weeks in Madrid.

About two weeks ago, I really hurt my back.  Sort of a long story.  Short version: I'm on a quest to be a healthier, more active person.  After about 2 months of diet and exercise, I decided to kick it up a notch and went too far.  I sneezed while changing the sheets on the bed and suddenly fell to my knees in pain.  For the next 72 hours, I could barely walk, went to have 2 massages, and made a new best friend (the ice pack).  Thankfully, I am about 95% back (ha!) to normal.

On Monday, it was Ben's day off.  We decided to go to a park in the afternoon.  On the way there, our car failed (again!) on an off-ramp.  Praise the Lord, we were in an okay position to set out the orange triangles and wait a few minutes before starting the car again (Safety precautions in Spain are actually  You even have to wear a reflective vest before setting out the triangles).  Called our car dealer (again!) to report the accident.  On the way home, our car failed while we were accelerating in the midst of a highway transfer.  Very scary, unlike any of the other times our car has done this.  Again, praise the Lord we were okay, but this car thing... Yikes.  Needless to say, we are having conversations of a different nature with our car dealer.

We've been taking care of a team member's car in their absence.  For their return, we took the car to be washed and vacuumed.  When we came back to pick it up, the person working on it had broken off the interior rearview mirror by accident.  He assured us that it was fixable.  Nope.  Went on a wild-goose chase to buy a new one, but we did find one.

Andy's been tough lately, really testing the boundaries with us, not wanting to nap or sleep at night.  He's also moved from slapping me to punching me when he's having a tantrum and can't express what he's feeling (P.S. We have our first appointment with a British speech therapist next week).  I'm trying to convince Ben to get some contacts so that his glasses don't get destroyed by Andy during a tantrum.  I've been wearing contacts exclusively lately because of this pattern.  Last night, Andy started crying really loudly (every parent's nightmare when you live in an apartment).  I jumped out of bed and flipped on the light to the bathroom in the hallway...

And KNOCKED the power out in the entire apartment.  Tried the breakers.  Nada.  So, we called an emergency-after-hours electrician, this really nice Bulgarian guy who spoke rather broken Spanish.  A few hours (and many many euros) later, we had power again (meaning all the food I'd bought for our friends returning to Spain TODAY didn't spoil).  And it looks like our insurance will cover this.

So, I'm thinking of all these incidents while washing the dishes.  Part of me just wanted to sit down and cry and say "Okay, Spain, you've won!  What else do you want from me?"  But, immediately, I felt the Lord reminding me that He was there in every circumstance, providing and protecting us.

So, glory to God, He is here with us!  To Him be the glory in EVERY circumstance.  Help me, Lord, to fix my eyes on You and praise you in everything.

1 comment:

Molly Dixon said...

Hi Meggan

I just read your post and it sounded like I could have written it. I wanted to encourage you about little Andy. I am not sure what the whole story is, but William did the exact same thing(and still does) and no matter what I did or what I tried nothing seemed to help and no one seemed to understand. There were many days when I held my head in my hands and wished for a miracle, because that is what it would take, a real miracle. The Lord is faithful. He doesnt always answer us when we beg and plead and cry to Him, but he hears us and he knows our struggles and our hurt. I never thought I would make it through those days- the tantrums and the violence were overwhelming and the inability to communicate with my son was agonizing.

William still needs help, I still need help, but like you said, the Lord is faithful and he will see you through. One piece of advice, you know your son better than anyone. Don't let a therapist or 'expert' tell you something that goes against your gut. It is hard going through the gamut of trying to find out what the matter is and what you can do to help, but the Lord taught us so many things as we dealt with different therapists, teachers, schools, programs, and what not while living in Colorado, India, and here. Stay strong in the Lord, He will guide you through and He will provide a way.