After finishing the theory section of her driver's ed, Meggan has begun teaching diesel mechanics on a volunteer basis at a local community college. Who knew?
The CIA called me on Wednesday to ask if I would be serve as a temporary incognito security agent in Madrid at World Catholic Youth Day (coming to Madrid this summer). I turned them down; couldn't compromise the REAL mission.
Tomorrow Meggan and I are going on a DATE!!! A REAL DATE!!!!!! I'm kind of excited. I think we're headed to an Indian restaurant. Meggan found a place online called Diwali, which made her think of "The Office," and it has good reviews & looks like a nice atmosphere. Woohoo!
On this day in Spanish history, the civil war officially ended, marking the beginning of what would become 36 years under Franco's dictatorship.
Curious about an interesting Spanish holiday? Check out the Feast of the Innocents, celebrated on December 28.
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