Monday, November 16, 2009

Accessible Eschatology: for further reading

Thanks to those of you who have been reading along throughout this series! Clearly it became drawn out a little longer than I had originally intended. I guess life has its own timeline.

Wanna do some of your own exploring on these issues? Here's a bibliography of books that have helped to shape my thoughts in this arena. Some are amillennial; others are premillennial; others are not primarily eschatological in their focus, but they still have a good deal to contribute to this conversation. Read synopses and reviews on sites like Amazon to find out which might suit your personal reading desires.

--The Bible. (Odd, but, hey, read it & allow it to shape your views more than anything else. Do these other books comport with what the Bible teaches? Do the things I have to say agree with the Bible? Cuz, hey, that's a tad important.)
--The Bible and the Future, by Anthony Hoekema
--A Case for Historic Premillennialism, by Craig Blomberg and Sung Wook Chung
--The Mission of God, by Christopher J. H. Wright
--The Heavenly Good of Earthly Work, by Darrel Cosden
--Work in the Spirit, by Miroslav Volf

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