Graduation is in sight! We're less than three months from the end of our time here at Denver Seminary. It's nice to be finishing up, but it's also bittersweet. This season of life here in Denver has been a blessed one for us, and we will dearly miss the people and communities that have made this time so special.
In order to graduate, we each have capstone projects that we're working on. Meggan implemented her course last October on incorporating dance into the corporate worship setting, and she's wrapping up her paperwork for that. My capstone project is a doctrinal paper outlining my personal views on a variety of issues in theology and ministry philosophy. I handed the paper in yesterday after a couple weeks of cRaZIneSs getting it ready. I will stand before a panel of two professors in mid-April for an oral defense of the paper. So, for both of us, one part down, one part to go.
Separate from her project, Meggan danced in church a couple weeks ago. (The picture is of the four gals who danced, along with some friends from Littleton Dance Academy who came to show their support.) I've started working with the high school youth at church, and I'm enjoying it a lot. I meet with a senior guy every other week or so. He wants to be a political science major, so we're reading this book together about how different Christians have chosen to engage politics in the past hundred years. Youth ministry is a privilege and a pleasure. I'm excited (and rather nervous) to engage youth in Spain.
We're moving along in the appointment process with WorldVenture. We have an interview scheduled for this Tuesday. We continue to consider it an honor to be working with such a quality organization.
In the meantime, there's next year! We're planning to move back to Wisconsin in July to raise our team of financial and prayer partners for our return to Spain. While we're in Madison, I hope to volunteer with my friend Lief, who's a high school pastor there. Meggan has a potential job lead that would be a really good fit, and we found an apartment while we were home over Christmas break. It's right across the street from Vitense Golfland, so we'll be mini-golf pros by the end of the year. :-)
Another honor - I've been chosen as one of the senior preachers here at the seminary, which means I'll get to speak in chapel. I'm very much looking forward to it. If you're in the Denver area and available, you're welcome to join us; it's Tuesday, March 10, at 11 AM. If my preaching doesn't interest you, come to hear Meggan sing!
In other news,
And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming...
If I'm still not working by March 10 I'll definitely try to make it out to see you get your preach on!
Congrats good friend on being a senior preacher. You will do great!
Heard you rocked the house today preaching! Wish I could have been there to see you, but the man was calling...
Great series on eschatology, my man. Looking forward to the next installment. Much love.
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