Friday, October 17, 2008


Hello, my name is Ben. I'm an evangelical Christian, a Republican... and I enjoy public radio.

A lot.

And I'm not just talking about the classical and jazz stations - gimme those two and the news and talk station.

What's wrong with me? Don't I know that 95% of the news media in this country is controlled by the left, and that NPR is basically a socialist propaganda machine? Well, I guess I've chosen to listen for myself. And you know what I've found? I've found public radio news and talk to be the most thorough, thoughtful news and talk on the airwaves. I think their journalistic integrity is second-to-none.

Here's a solid example - today I heard a review of Oliver Stone's new movie, W., a biopic about our current president. Of course, if you believe the hype, like one of my friends at church who calls NPR "NCR" (from his tone of voice, I'm guessing the C stands for "commie"), you'd expect a glowing review. Well, the critic found a few positive elements, then proceeded to tear it down, calling it Stone's "shallowest" film to date. (If you'd like to hear it, go to this page and click the "Listen Now" link to hear it; the text given is incomplete.) It was a thoughtful review from a thoughtful critic who didn't feel a need to scream or call Stone a pinkie to make his point.

You know what else I like about public radio? (Ooh, this one could get me in trouble...) Their fund drives are far more realistic than Christian radio fund drives. In a public radio fund drive, the DJ usually says, "Support public radio because you like to listen to us." On Christian radio, the DJ usually says, "Support our station because people who would never darken the door of a church are coming to know Jesus through our ministry." Really? You think a lot of non-Christians listen to Christian radio? You think they don't pass it right over when they're scanning through the stations? You think the radio is a good evangelistic investment in our country? I'm skeptical. Why can't the Christian stations ask for money on the same basis as the public stations? "Support us because you like listening to Christian music/news/talk/sermons."

So, all that to say - my fellow conservatives (politically and religiously), please give public radio another chance.


Daniel said...

If I could type a word-picture of me bowing down in utter praise of this post....I would.

I too listen to NPR and have found that the criticisms from much of the right are unwarranted. Yes, there is the occasional bad apple in there or overtly biased commentary or report. But where is there not? If you've found that place I'll go there. I haven't found it and don't think it exists.

But anyway, yeah I heard the Oliver Stone interview. Stone is frankly psychotic. He reminds of the typical far leftists like Michael Moore or Bill Mahr with his latest vomit inducing "film". There's no way I'm paying to see W in the theatre. Possibly Redbox it, but possibly not.

Where am I going with this? I need to get back to work. In short: NPR rocks, BBC has good world news, and W looks like a shitty movie. Done.

Ben said...

Daniel Seatvet! If I knew your middle name, I would use it. To post a foul word on a family blog site... for shame. (And yet, I like it, so I'm leaving it up. Besides, the family-friendly folks won't get to this comment page.)

Daniel said...

Yes, you're right. Michael Moore is foul language. Apologies all around!