Sunday, August 10, 2008

Good News: Preface

As we've been seeing friends and family in Colorado and Wisconsin, it's been an honor to hear many people say that they've been reading the blog throughout the summer. Thank you! We're blessed to know that so many people care. (You care. Thanks.)

I'd like to take a few posts to talk about our base motivations, the deepest truths that drive us to do what we do. Some of you share these motivations, and others do not. It is my prayer that those of you who don't share them will genuinely consider them. I ask this not because my thoughts are anything special; while the words here are mine, none of this is truly original. To say it another way, this is very personal, but it is not unique to us - it is God's truth for all people as He has revealed Himself throughout human history. So, please chew on it, and feel free to ask questions if you have any.

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